Sunday, May 11, 2014

Final on 2014-05-18 !!!
     No homework this week

Final's study guide:

1.  Vocabulary: p.68 & p.84 
          Review these two pages, make sure you can fill out the tables and make sentences out of        these words.  Remember that all sentences must be 8 words or more.
2.  Chinh Ta: p.87 or p.91
          Make sure to study both chinh ta including the dai y.  One will be chosen on the day of the test.

3.  Hoc Thuoc Long: p.62
          Keep in mind that hoc thuoc long requires that you memorize and write the entire passage without any help.

4. Viet Su: p.66 & p.82
5.  Dia Ly: p.70
          The test will not provide the viet su or dia ly passages, you are required to remember the details.  Make sure to study the passages and answer the questions from the book in complete sentences.  There may be questions that are not in the book, so make sure you study and memorize the content in the passages.

Note: all late or makeup homework are due on the day of the final.

Study hard and good luck kids!  and have a great week =]

-thay Vinh

Friday, May 9, 2014

Homework - due on 2014-05-11
- Bai Lam #21
- Chep "Phai Kinh Trong Thay Co" 2 times
- Translate "Phai Kinh Trong Thay Co"

Study Chinh Ta "Phai Kinh Trong Thay Co" + Dai Y

Friday, May 2, 2014

Homework - due on 2014-05-04
- Bai Lam #20
- Chep "Thoi Gio La Vang Bac" 2 times
- Translate "Thoi Gio La Vang Bac"

Study Chinh Ta "Thoi Gio La Vang Bac" + Dai Y